What's behind the increase in release
Posted September 19, 2021 by MMEX Team ‐ 2 min read
Money Manager Ex offered a new release every 2-6 weeks since April 2021. What's behind the increase in releases?
Money Manager Ex offered a new release every 2-6 weeks since April 2021. What’s behind the increase in releases?
“Frequent releases lets users see that the software is actively developed,” says developer Mark Whalley. “It gives them confidence in the software.” Mark made his first contribution to Money Manager Ex in November 2020. Since then he quickly became one of the top developers for Money Manager Ex. He’s made changes to the code almost every day this year and manages releases for macOS.
Developer Nickolay Akimov pioneered the shorter release cycle. He suggested Money Manager Ex “make a release when 10 fixes accumulate or a new month comes.” Nickolay (username: vomikan) is a long-time developer who has committed 1.8 million lines of code to Money Manager Ex.
Some of the significant developments to the software in the past year include
- The “All Transactions” view which lets you see what’s happening without checking multiple bank accounts
- The ability to edit multiple transactions at once
- Improvements to the “Transaction Filter” that let you save and name filters
- The theme manager and new look
For a more detailed review, see the forum post: “Most useful fixes and features this year” by user mikhailo2608ilaol.
This year’s frequent releases correspond with an increase in development. The last two years have more code changes on the main application than the previous 6 years of Money Manager Ex history. This increase is thanks to the work of Nickolay and Mark. However, Nickolay and Mark are just two among 30 people to contribute code to the desktop application, 16 people to contribute to the android app, and many more on other projects like the web app.
However, the Money Manager Ex project extends beyond code. It depends on many users helping each other on the forums, translators for 29 languages, early testers of the software, maintainers of the website and social media, documentation writers, and more. If you are interested in helping out, we would love to hear from you! Feel free to introduce yourself on the forum or Slack.